November 10, 2023
Upcoming Holiday Construction Embargo as of Nov 15, 2023 – What You Need To Know

A special Holiday Construction Embargo (HE) shall be in effect from 6 AM to 11:59 PM starting Wednesday, November 15, 2023, through Tuesday, January 2, 2024. During this time frame, only emergency work may be performed provided an emergency number is received from the New York City Department of Transportation. Any non-emergency permits issued prior to the date of this notice are hereby suspended for the dates and locations indicated below.
Utility cover openings are also restricted unless an emergency authorization number has been obtained from the Department of Transportation. There will be strict enforcement of this embargo and violators are subject to be summonsed.
Permit requests for construction activities during the Holiday Embargo (HE) period should only be submitted for critical reasons for a specific project.
Prior to this embargo period, all necessary measures must be taken so that all roadways and sidewalks are in proper condition to allow for the expeditious and safe movement of a vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic.
The opening of utility access covers is prohibited on any of the streets noted below between the hours of 6:00 AM and midnight except in cases of emergency where the utility or contractor must first obtain an Emergency Authorization Number as required by Section 2-07 of NYCDOT’s Highway Rules. The planned opening of utility access covers may occur during the hours of 12:01 AM and 5:59 AM where no authorization number is required.
What streets are included in the embargo?
View the list of affected streets here.Need a special waiver or have more questions about the Holiday Construction Embargo?
If you need our assistance, please reach out to us at or call us at (212) 563-6760. We’ll be glad to help.
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