April 29, 2024

Zoning NYC: Rethinking Urban Growth

In the labyrinthine streets of New York City, zoning regulations subtly mold our urban fabric.

The Big Apple’s neighborhoods are in a constant state of flux, offering both opportunities and challenges.

It is imperative to update zoning laws in response to population growth, demographic shifts, and climate considerations.

New York City’s Zoning Resolution aims for a fairer, more sustainable, and inclusive urban landscape. It promotes sustainable development practices and prioritizes public space accessibility to enrich urban life quality.


When you partner with KMA, our seasoned and comprehensive code and zoning experts guide clients through the intricacies of New York City’s zoning regulations. Our profound insights and extensive experience have played a pivotal role in reshaping the city.

KMA’s objective is to foster a sustainable, just, and resilient urban environment.

If you need our assistance, please reach out to us at info@kmaofny.com or call us at (212) 563-6760. We’ll be glad to help.

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